Tuesday 9 March 2010

The Modernisation of Old Diplomacy


The New Diplomacy is the modernisation of the Old Diplomacy. We are still witnessing the same principles which were implemented in the Old type of diplomacy, being used in the so called New diplomacy. The Old Diplomacy has so much relevance in the way New diplomacy is conducted, there is still negotiations between bilateral states. Even though we now have multilateral actors we have seen events were the old system is used, such as the release of two American Journalist who were imprisoned in North Korea. Bill Clinton went secretly to North Korea and saw the release of these prisoners on the 4th of August 2009. This diplomatic mission was conducted in a very secretive manner , no details of what was negotiated have been said in public. The negotiation was similar to the Old diplomacy thereby showing the relevance to the New diplomacy.

If we take a close look at the way the Greeks conducted their diplomacy we can see similarities with the New Diplomacy. The Greeks conducted their diplomacy openly and publicly, debates were carried out in public and arguments used by ambassadors were openly aired. This type of old diplomacy is the one being used in New Diplomacy era.

The only difference between the Old Diplomacy and the New Diplomacy is the frequent involvement of multilateral actors such as NGOs, Summitry and Media. However it does not mean that Old diplomacy is irrelevant but its core principles of negotiations are still used in these meetings. There have been multilateral negotiations events such as the GATT which have yielded successful which saw the formation of the WTO.

Another example is the event which is happening right now which shows the relevance of the Old diplomacy is the visit of the United States of America vice president Joe Biden to Israel, he has gone there to negotiate about the existing issue between Israel and Palestine. The whole concept of negotiation is pretty much relevant to this day.

I personally feel Old diplomacy is very relevant in the New Diplomacy. I see New Diplomacy as the mordenisation of the Old Diplomacy. Since now there is Globalisation, so has the need to work together risen.

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