Tuesday, 23 February 2010

The evolution of diplomacy

From being an entirely secrete and exclusive club where, great powers had discussion about high politics to a more open, inclusive club. In today’s world where we are ‘rule’ by the media, diplomacy has evolved to something almost everybody can take part in.

For most of us diplomacy is way of conducting negotiations between sovereign units in the regional and international level. Moreover, before the Great War and in medieval Europe most of the diplomatic relationships were limited just to states. However, the development of modern communication has crippled the way diplomacy was used to be conduct. The development of the media has also brought more actors in the diplomatic society. The sovereign states are no longer the ‘big players’; we have other actors like NGO’s, who push for further changes in the way diplomacy is conducted.

The twentieth century has indeed changed the course of diplomacy. The creation of new states and the revolution in the media industry has widened the formerly narrowed and exclusive club to a more openly and inclusive club, where different unites and actors come together and negotiate with each other. The world summit on the information society: Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005, and the Copenhagen summit was broadcast for millions to see. Even the diplomatic interactions within the UN are broadcast for ‘outsiders’ to view. However, most of the so-called ‘Hard Politics” are still conducted behind closed doors.

Diplomacy and the way of conducting it, has indeed evolved, from being a “closed” club for the powerful to a more open club, however the powerful still controls the functions and management of the club with an “Iron Fist”.

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